Ba Li Stream, that comes from Chien Mountain, to gether with Tranh Stream and Thuong Stream (Cha Pau Mountain) and Rich Stream (Nhon Mountain), runs into Cam Ranh Reservoir, some 30km away from the centre of Nha Trang City.
Ba Li is a famous tourist attraction in Cam Lam District because the way to the stream is so convenient. Especially, this area remains primary beauty, that is very suitable for extra activities, camping and so on.
The local inhabitants also name the lake which is nearest to the stream for Ba Li – that is Ba Li Lake, constrctucted in 1993 and completed in 1997. With the basin area is 59.4 km2, supplying water for daily activities of 70,000 households. Most of Cam Lam District and Cam Ranh Town are mountainous areas, there are only a few rivers and streams in the region; therefore, total irrigation depends on the reservoir.

There exists a lot of ways to Ba Li Stream. From the centre of Nha Trang City, along the street 23/10, go straight on 1A National Highway, to Cam Lam District, you will see a signpost to Cam Tan Village. Turning on this way of about 3 km, you will reach Ba Li Stream
The way to Ba Li Stream is covered with asphalt, visitors will pass villages, fields to view how beautiful, peaceful and quiet the country side is! From a dam, water is navy blue and sparkling. Beside the lake, there is a splendid forest and so luxuriant, which makes you feel that you are walking along a beautiful river.
The higher you go, the cooler the air is. You can leisurely walk down to the dam, and then turn into the narrow paths to Ba Li Stream. Along the paths to the forest, no more than one kilometter, you will reach camping sites. Especially, there are a lot of duneland for camping, like camping on the riverbanks; moreover, you can hear the water flowing from the height.
Under the shade of big trees, you can stretch out a canvas and start to prepare for a meal. After eating, you can lie comfortably on a large rock for a rest, then you can swim in the stream, play or explore the forest and so on. Even, you can only lie on a large rock and view masses of clouds and the skies, hear a brook murmuring down through low hills and birds singing. That is so wonderful!
If you once visit Nha Trang, you should not miss an excursion in the open air of Ba Li Stream. You will have a chance to live in natural atmosphere with plants and trees, flower and leaves, birds and beasts and enjoy the beautiful scenery.